
Gayo Mountain Peaberry Coffee is grown at an elevation between 4,500 to 6,000 feet above sea level, near the breathtaking Lake Laut Tawar. This area is in the center of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province, Indonesia, that is near the main city of Takengon. The smooth flavors of cardamom, dark herbal sweetness, clove, and bright acidity make this coffee a mainstay in any connoisseur's cabinet.

Peaberry coffee comes from the same plants as regular coffee beans where, typically, a coffee cherry contains two seeds. In special cases, a coffee cherry will produce only one seed, leading to the prized "peaberry" coffee bean. Peaberry beans are smaller and rounder. They are also denser and have a reputation for having a more intense flavor profile. About 5% of total coffee production is made up of peaberry, making this coffee very rare and exclusive.  

  • 16 ounce bag