For the Coffee Aficionados

On a quest to discover the finest coffee in the world, Joe travels across the globe to trace the origin of each variety back to scenic farms in exotic lands.
Each coffee is carefully selected and roasted to perfection.

Showing 19 - 36 of 75 item(s)


Costa Rica Peaberry Coffee offers the profound flavors of Costa Rica in every cup. This coffee is one of the rarest coffee beans out there. It is a special variety that makes up only 5...


Costa Rica Coffee is grown at high altitudes on volcanic soil of the mountains in Tarrazú where the cherries ripen slowly giving its distinct rich and hearty flavor. This is a single estate coffee which...


Produced by a small family-owned estate, this single origin coffee is low in acidity with an elegantly creamy body. This Dominican delight is rare and extraordinary not only because it is classified as an organic...


Organic El Salvador is from the Finca El Milagro, Milagro, translating to "miracle," is one of the oldest farms owned and maintained by the family. Located between small valleys, Finca El Milagro is an area which...


Our Espresso offers a complex and powerful aroma coupled with a thick butterscotch like sweetness that is almost too good to be true. This coffee has light acidity while still retaining its signature intensity. You...


The original source of coffee, Ethiopian Arabica, is medium-bodied coffee cups with smooth citrus tones and hints of sweet chocolate. Gathered from wild trees, this coffee once brewed holds a very thick texture and earthy...


Our French Roast Coffee offers a rich, complex cup with smoky overtones. This is the darkest roast we have and is characterized by a deep and smoky aroma like no other.  Swiss Water Process Decaf...


Gayo Mountain Peaberry Coffee is grown at an elevation between 4,500 to 6,000 feet above sea level, near the breathtaking Lake Laut Tawar. This area is in the center of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province, Indonesia,...


Coming from the Santa Barbara Estate, Guatemala Antigua Coffee offers a rich full bodied coffee with a smooth, elegant flavor and an powerful aroma. Guatemala Antigua coffee is the one the more recent coffee crazes...


Coming from the Santa Barbara Estate, Guatemala Antigua Coffee offers a rich full bodied coffee with a smooth, elegant flavor and a powerful aroma. Guatemala Antigua coffee is the one the more recent coffee crazes...


“Geisha” comes from the Ethiopian town of Gesha where this wild coffee plant originated from. Hailing from the Nueva Granada Farm in San Marcos, Guatemala, this varietal coffee is a rare and special find. The...


This delicious and organic coffee hails from the Huehuetenango region (pronounced weh·weh·tuh·nang·gow) of Guatemala. This area is known as one of the only non-volcanic regions in the country and its unique environmental factors result in...


Grown in Guatemala at high altitudes (5,000 - 6,000 feet) in rich, volcanic soil, Our Guatemala Peaberry Coffee is distinguishable by it's heavy body, and lively cup with subtle smoky spicy overtones with a superb...


Haitian Blue Coffee available at Joe's while supplies last! The Haitian coffee is the same seedling as the treasured Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee - rich and sweet with dry citrus tones and a well balanced acidity. This...


Half Caff Coffee is the harmonious mixture of Joe's Estate Sumatra blend Half Regular and Half Decaf. This is the perfect cup, for its sweet but intense flavor and clean, full body. The decaffeination happens through the Swiss...


The wait is finally over; Our state-certified Kona Coffee is back in stock. From the hillsides of the Mauna Loa mountains in Hawaii, Kona Coffee offers a luscious, full-bodied taste. The volcanic Hawaiian soil gives this...


Greenwell Farm coffee has been grown and processed on their private family estate for six generations and is considered to be "la creme de la creme". The estate continues to maintain a tradition of high...


In the never-ending search for that perfect morning coffee, Joe's has found it. Appropriately named, this coffee offers the smooth and crispness of Costa Rican coffee and the velvety full body of the Joe's Estate...

Showing 19 - 36 of 75 item(s)